Synopsis Today, armed conflicts rage across the globe, from Ukraine to Gaza...
Milena Trentadue the first female managing director at Rothmans, Benson & Hedges
Unsmoke campaign, which champions the mission statement: “If you don’t smoke...
At the ‘frontline’ of US-China conflict, the Philippines prepares for war
The US treaty ally is spending billions to arm itself for a conflict over...
Putin attack plans for Japan and South Korea
Russia has trained its troops for a potential attack on Japan and South Korea...
Breaking News
The implementation of Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) Standard MS2530:2022 (MSPO 2.0) reinforces Malaysia’s leadership in sustainable palm oil...
Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, who received the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize for his contribution to peace in the Middle East and easing tensions on...
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Wars are fought in many ways. In trenches, behind the wheel of tank, at the trigger of an artillery piece, in the rear supporting the troops. But the war in...
China’s National Energy Administration (NEA) has introduced a new set of measures to support peer-to-peer energy trading. The new initiatives are expected to...
Several observatories in China have captured rare images of a falling near-Earth asteroid, formally designated as 2024 XA1. The images, along with the...
The first to come up with the idea was French President Emmanuel Macron – long before it was clear that Donald Trump would win the US elections. As...
Chinese officials have integrated work permit cards with social security cards, eliminating the need for physical work permit cards. Key Points: Officials...
Under Xi Jinping, China meets all four hallmarks of what constitutes fascism – cult-like worship, hyper-nationalism, a merciless surveillance apparatus and the...
US president-elect says ex-Georgia senator will help maintain a ‘productive working relationship with China’. United States President-elect Donald Trump has...
China unveiled its most advanced quantum computer to date on Thursday, marking cutting another notch in the nation’s push to lead the global race in quantum...
In 2024, China’s foreign trade has witnessed a positive trajectory of qualitative improvement and stable expansion. China’s total merchandise trade...